Monday, July 20, 2009

How to fix Adobe flash player installation error ?

Recently while updating from IE7 to IE8, I could not get Adobe Flash player 10 to install on my machine. After a lot of searching around, I found out that it was a registry key issue. I tried running various registry cleaner on my computer (Registry Mechanic, Hijack this), but could not get Flash player to install. But today, I found this article, and after following what was asked in that article I was able to get Flash player to work on my computer with IE8.

So, this is what you do...

Using the SubInAcL tool from Microsoft to fix permission issues in the registry has solved installation errors for several products including Flash Player.

Warning! The following solution involves the Windows System Registry. Editing or manipulating the registry incorrectly can result in serious system damage which may require reinstallation of the operating system. If you are not comfortable editing the registry, then take your system to a professional. If you choose to proceed, then it is essential that you create a complete system backup and a Windows System Restore Point before proceeding. Adobe Systems cannot be held responsible for damage resulting from this information.

You must have administrator privileges to successfully complete these instructions.

  1. Follow the instructions to download the SubInACL tool from the Microsoft Download Center.
  2. Install SubInACL.
  3. Download the file.
  4. Extract the reset_fp10.cmd file to C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.

    Important: Be sure that both the subinacl.exe and reset_fp10.cmd files are in the same location here: C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.
  5. Double-click reset_fp10.cmd.
  6. This will open a command window and execute the SubInACL tool.
  7. Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.
  8. When it is finished you will see "Press any key to continue".
  9. Install the Flash Player from