Friday, September 26, 2008

Remote Debugging in Visual Studio 2003

So, I had to debug an app of mine that I had deployed on a Windows 2003 Server box that did not have Visual Studio installed. I went through a few articles, bugged a colleague of mine only to find out that we had a doc explaining something similar on our company wiki.

Anyways, it turned out, setting up the debugger in VS2003 isn't exactly as simple and straightforward as VS2008. But after going through a few articles online and the MSDN tutorial, all I had to do was copy over msvcmon.exe from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger (this may not be the exact location) to the remote machine (I put it on the dekstop for ease of use).

After that I opened a command prompt and ran it using the following switch :
C:\Documents and Settings\jjohnson\Desktop\>mvcmon.exe -tcpip -anyuser

Ideally what this means is that you are going to use TCP/IP mode for debugging and you allow any user to attach to this process.

Other available modes are Pipe Mode and the default mode. (You can get more help by msvcmon /?).

Anyways, if you need a better explanation look here.

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