Saturday, July 19, 2008

Top Video Sharing Sites

So, while doing some research for a marketing thingy, I came to realise that I has watched as many as 13,000 videos on Youtube and wondered about how other video sites were rated. No doubt, youtube is very clean and easy to use, but the real challenge for video sharing sites today is the ability to deliver High Quality videos in real time. I do occasionally watch videos on DailyMotion, veoh,, google videos and metacafe and just wanted to find out how these sites did in terms of market competition. To my suprise though, youtube wasn't ranked #1, infact it wasn't even ranked 2nd, but 4th with, videoegg and dailymotion lining up above youtube as people's choice.

To be really frank, the list looks a little weird and I wonder as to how they came up with this list, coz has videos in QuickTime which were horrible, not to say the range of vidoes/variety was abysmal (then again, the more ppl come to the site, the better the videos). DailyMotion is decent, but then again its just a cross of YouTube. VideoEgg, haven't heard much about it, or seen any video on it, hence can't really make a comment there.

In my books, it would be Youtube, Metacafe, DailyMotion and veoh in that order. But then again, its just me. Anyways, enough about me. Here's the article..

List compiled from various sources such as this, this and this.

The Top Ten
With all that going on, it's definitely worth looking at who stands out in this ridiculously crowded space. Since popular opinion does matter online – where the consumer experience is hugely important – we thought it'd be useful to rank some of the Internet's most popular video sharing sites by how they performed from the point of view of someone wanting to post videos rather than just look at someone else's.

Without further ado, here's our list of the Top Ten Video Sharing Sites

2) VideoEgg
3) Dailymotion
4) YouTube
5) Veoh
6) Google Video
7) Grouper
8) Jumpcut
9) AOL
10) Eyespot

The complete rankings
Here are the video sharing site rankings, in full.

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