Tuesday, July 22, 2008

XNA Programming

This was just another Tuesday morning at work and I was there checking my emails, fixing some bugs that had come in the day before in my queue along with some Generics research I was trying to get around (which never got done, I am easily distracted), checking shipping status of a couple of books that I ordered through amazon and contemplating what to order for lunch (I was torn between Barbecue chicken sandwich or Chicken Cordon bleu panini, went with the panini later, that I never got around eating and am eating it right now for dinner). So, while checking on some books that I was interested in, specifically the Framework Design guidelines on amazon, I came across this book on XNA Programming. Now, I had done some XNA programming, just for fun in school and dropped it soon (like the million other things that I picked up in school out of interest) due to increasing pressure from school assignments and stuff.

But this time, it was different, I started poking around for blogs and communities about XNA programming on the web and I stumbled upon the XNA team blog and by this time, I was almost certain that I wanted to restart the XNA programming bit that I had gotten into during school. First thing, I looked for was tutorials and it goes without saying that I found more than one links pointing to them. Some of them are this by Reimers and this one on BlueRose games.

So, from the several links that I visited, I liked the one by Dan Waters the best and hence decided to post a link to it over here. I haven't gotten through the tutorial yet, but it looks pretty good with a lot of videos and stuff. I would probably wanna give this tutorial a shot first before I start seriously investing my free time into game development (like there aren't enough people already who call me a geek). Oh, by the way, if you haven't figured out already XNA is separate from the Visual Studio build that you install, and hence you need to install it on a machine that carries Visual Studio to start your XNA Programming bit. There are a few other requirements for XNA, but I am gonna refrain from listing them all here as you can get them from the XNA download page.

XNA 3.0 CTP download
XNA Creators Club

Alright, that all I have for right now. I seriously hope that I can put some time into this XNA programming bit and that I don't get distracted and hope to share some of my learnings on this blog as I go along. Just so you know, I have added some XNA links on my blogroll and hangout tabs.

Until next time,
Happy XNA Programming.

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